Chat Bot

If you do not have a Telegram account yet, first create a new account in the Telegram App.

Now in the Telegram App search for @BotFather in the search field at the top of the screen.

Click on BotFather.

Now send the command '/newbot' to BotFather.

Give your new chat bot a name, for example "Watson Chat Bot".

BotFather will then ask you to provide a username. For example, you can enter "WatsonChat<Your_Name>Bot" here. Replace <Your_Name> with a name of your choice.

When the bot is created, BotFather will send you a token. (See the image below, in the blacked-out part you can find the token). Now store your username and token in the document template API_keys_EN.docx. You should have downloaded it earlier.

A usefull tip: when you login on you can open the chat with BotFather and copy the token string from there.