
You need to arrange the following items yourself for the workshop:

  • A laptop running on a Mac OS or Windows operating system that meets the following requirements:
    • You have rights to install software
    • You have rights to write data to a USB disk / memorycard without the data being encrypted (ING Laptops are therefore often not suitable!!)
    • Highly recommended: a mouse, because we are going to do visual programming
    • A mobile phone (Android or iOS)

And if you participate from home with the digital version of the workshop, the following items are also handy to have:

  • Of course you can also use a regular desktop computer instead of a laptop, but make sure that your desktop computer has a webcam, speakers and microphone. Using a headset is less practical because the intention is that you participate in the workshop in pairs (Parent & Child)
  • Optional: An additional display would be ideal (e.g. a second laptop or a tablet). One screen for the online meeting and instructions and a second screen for visual programming. With 1 screen it is feasible to participate but just less convenient.
  • Optional: Small (Phillips head) screwdriver